
November 8, 2012


The past few days in class we have been making danishes. We made the dough one day, shaped them, and now finally baked them today. They were delicious. The recipe for this is written below:
Danish Dough
3 # 8      oz.     Bread Flour
1 # 9.75 oz.     Milk
      6.25 oz.     Whole Eggs
      6.75 oz.     Sugar, gran.
      1      oz.     Salt
      2      oz.     Yeast, fresh
      1.5   oz.     Butter, soft 
Roll-in fat:
1 # 11    oz.     Butter, soft     
Straight dough mixing (top ingredients only): 3 minutes 1st speed, then 8 minutes 2nd speed.                                                                              
Cover and chill the dough for 30 to 60 minutes. Then soften the roll-in fat.
Roll out the dough to a rectangle, then spread the roll-in fat over two thirds of the dough.
Give the dough a 3-fold. Cover and refrigerate for 20-30 minutes.
* A three fold is when you fold a third of the dough over and then a third from the other side on top, like an envelop. 
Roll out the dough and give another 3-fold. Refrigerate (or freeze for 30 minutes).
Roll out the dough again and give it a 4-fold.
* A four fold is when you fold one side to the center, and then the opposite side to the center and then fold it again in half.
Cover and retard the dough over night. Roll out the dough to 1/8 - 1/4 inch in thickness, cut different shapes (fillings). Some should be egg washed, then proof the pieces to abut 65 %.
Bake at 375 degrees F. until golden brown. When it comes out let it cool for a few minutes then put a glaze with Apricot Preserves then with Fondant or a sugar glaze on top.
Above is just one example of the danishes that we made. They can be all different shapes but they are all delicious. We made an apple filling for ours and it is definitely my favorite, although you can use any filling that you want. These danishes take a lot of work and patience but they are definitely worth it.

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