
April 19, 2013

Decorated Cookies

We have many different kinds of cookies but this was the only cookie that we got to decorate. You start by making a simple dough. We used a 1-2-3 dough and a gingerbread dough. A 1-2-3 dough means that there is 1 part water, 2 parts fat and 3 parts flour. So it doesn't matter how much of an ingredient you use as long as the other ingredients are related through this recipe. Once you make this dough you then need to chill it to make sure that it stays together. Once it is chilled for a few hours you can then roll it out and cut different shapes using cookie cutters. If you have extra dough then you can ball it up and re-roll it. When you have them all cut, put them on a sheet tray and bake. When they are done let them cool so you can ice them. We use royal icing because it dries very quickly and gets really hard. So then for the fun part you can use different techniques to decorate these cookies. You can pipe different designs, you can add egg whites to the icing which will make it thinner so you can dip the cookies in it, or you can outline the cookie with one color and fill it with another. There are many possibilities so you can be as creative as you want. These are just a few examples of what we came up with.

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